Author Contributions | Journal of CESaRE
The Journal of Caribbean Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy (CESaRE) was developed in 2016 out of a recognized need to modernize and revolutionize the Caribbean's scientific research publishing. There are over 170 Caribbean research publications in the past 5 years falling under the broad field of environmental sciences, found scattered over a large variety of International journals, without a central (Caribbean) location to collate this knowledge. With the global shift towards renewable over traditional energy sources, together with a rise in environmental consciousness, this a perfect opportunity for highlighting such research conducted in the Caribbean. CESaRE will provide a suitable forum to encourage research into renewable energy, as well as the environmental sciences. CESaRE promises to be more than just a collection of articles, but also a forum to disseminate information and bridge the gap between research and implementation, from which Caribbean leaders, relevant industry partners, and authorities can use our Journal for more effective decision making and environmental management.
academic publication, journal, publishing, research, environmental sciences, renewable energy, climate change, podcast series, webinars, innovation, Caribbean, islands, sustainability
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The Editorial Team at CESaRE welcomes author contributions of $50 USD+ to support the pressing financial needs of journal editing and publication. This helps us to keep our Journal open access which allows readers to enjoy your published work at no cost to them. Research is, therefore, more accessible to potential readers with several possible positive outcomes from knowledge-sharing to fostering research collaborations. Though $50 USD is our recommended minimum contribution, we understand that not all authors are able to contribute and we encourage you to reach out to our Editorial Team to discuss other options. CESaRE continues to strive to ensure that everyone has equitable access to research. We thank you for your support in revitalising Caribbean academic publishing and environmental stewardship in the region.


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Your support is greatly appreciated!

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