CESaRE Impacts | Journal of CESaRE
The Journal of Caribbean Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy (CESaRE) was developed in 2016 out of a recognized need to modernize and revolutionize the Caribbean's scientific research publishing. There are over 170 Caribbean research publications in the past 5 years falling under the broad field of environmental sciences, found scattered over a large variety of International journals, without a central (Caribbean) location to collate this knowledge. With the global shift towards renewable over traditional energy sources, together with a rise in environmental consciousness, this a perfect opportunity for highlighting such research conducted in the Caribbean. CESaRE will provide a suitable forum to encourage research into renewable energy, as well as the environmental sciences. CESaRE promises to be more than just a collection of articles, but also a forum to disseminate information and bridge the gap between research and implementation, from which Caribbean leaders, relevant industry partners, and authorities can use our Journal for more effective decision making and environmental management.
cesare,CESaRE,environmental science,caribbean journals,journal,peer reviewed articles,renewable energy,science magazine,climate change
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Welcome to CESaRE’s Magazine Series


Opening closed-access research in the Caribbean

Our February 2024 Issue is out!


In this issue of CESaRE Impacts, several aspects related to Adaptation and Resilience of Caribbean communities are presented. The feature author, Laura Canevari, addresses the experience of Providence Island (Colombia) after a hurricane, and shares critical lessons on how we can make the adage “ build back better” a reality.

Here’s a sneak peak below!

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