Climate Gen Z Conference | Journal of CESaRE
Climate Gen Z conference is a first for the Caribbean region! This virtual conference aims to expand climate change activism in the Caribbean.
Climate Gen Z Conference, Climate, Gen Z, Caribbean Climate, CESaRE, Conference, CESaRE Climate Conference, Gen Z Climate, Gen Z Conference, CESaRE Cimate Gen Z Conference
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Climate Gen Z Conference


Welcome to Climate Gen Z Conference 2023


The conference workshops are focused towards people registering, between the ages 16-24. However, all keynote sessions are open to the public, and will be livestreamed.

The workshops are dedicated to budding Gen Z activists in the Caribbean region, or persons of Caribbean Heritage living abroad. Further information will be sent to selected participants.

Conference workshops will all be a maximum of 1 hour in length (though this may vary slightly for certain sessions).

It is not mandatory but, it is recommended. All the information dispensed during workshops is equally important, and imperative to raising awareness regarding the climate issues facing the Caribbean.