Open Issue V2I2- Pandohie | Journal of CESaRE
The Journal of Caribbean Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy (CESaRE) was developed in 2016 out of a recognized need to modernize and revolutionize the Caribbean's scientific research publishing. There are over 170 Caribbean research publications in the past 5 years falling under the broad field of environmental sciences, found scattered over a large variety of International journals, without a central (Caribbean) location to collate this knowledge. With the global shift towards renewable over traditional energy sources, together with a rise in environmental consciousness, this a perfect opportunity for highlighting such research conducted in the Caribbean. CESaRE will provide a suitable forum to encourage research into renewable energy, as well as the environmental sciences. CESaRE promises to be more than just a collection of articles, but also a forum to disseminate information and bridge the gap between research and implementation, from which Caribbean leaders, relevant industry partners, and authorities can use our Journal for more effective decision making and environmental management.
academic publication, journal, publishing, research, environmental sciences, renewable energy, climate change, podcast series, webinars, innovation, Caribbean, islands, sustainability
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Knowledge Management System for Tracking of Greenhouse Gases

Randyll Pandohie

Department of Computing and Information Technology, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus                                

Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2019   DOI: 10.33277/cesare/002.002/01


Data science is one of the emerging fields in computer science involving the extracting of insight from information assets for various level of collaboration and decision making. One of the key applications of data science is the solving of environmental impact of climate change which has significantly affected small islands developing states in the Caribbean and Pacific nations. This paper will discuss the creation of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) as a mechanism for the storage of information in the Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) in Trinidad and Tobago. The primary purpose of the MRV is the tracking of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) this is achieved through the suppliers or stakeholders of data entering the GHG information either from calculations on activity data and/or meters available at the facility areas. This system captures the data and utilises business intelligence techniques to gain insight into information such as determining reasons for reductions. The KMS is also utilised for data and information such as GHG emissions, document management and workflow processing of the GHG inventory cycle for the country.


Knowledge Management System, GHG emissions, MRV system

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The Caribbean is experiencing rapid changes in its energy landscape and climate change is at the forefront. Yet, how do we make sure that we are properly tracking our progress? Our latest researcher, Randyll Pandohie explores this topic in his article.  

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